Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Hello, Farewell Tour

Hello, Farewell Tour with Caterina Suttin

I'm having a hard time containing my excitement as I write this post. This workshop with Caterina Suttin was so cool! It was the perfect day. The drive to Union was about an hour an a half from Bangor, so I had a nice long ride to clear my head. The best therapy I've ever had is the open road.

The workshop was broken up into two parts. The first two hours were focused mostly on breathing breaks. Within minutes I realized for the first time that I have a tendency to hold my breath while hooping. This is something that is so simple yet so difficult. I have found this in my yoga practice as well. Caterina broke down some really complex looking, mind blowing moves. I was doing things that I've never done before in minutes.

Caterina Suttin

"We'll explore every break/reversal variation that I have come across, as well as dive into the space that the hoop is not. This is a practice I've been developing for about a year and it's very dear to my heart." -Caterina Suttin ( HoopME! )

 We took a two hour break and headed into Rockland. This was my first time exploring that part of Maine. It is such a charming little city on the coast of Maine. The vibes from the cafe we went to for lunch were really chill and the boats in the harbor made me feel like I was in this picture perfect place. The food and the company were bomb. After hanging out for a bit we headed back into Union to the community center and started the next 2 hour portion of the workshop: wonky planes

Caterina Suttin

"This workshop is a lot of fun and dives into continuous plane changes. The hoop is never in the same plane for more then a few seconds before its whipped into another direction.... I'll be sharing some of my favorite moves in this workshop and look forward to seeing my reflection in all of you!"  -Caterina Suttin ( HoopME! )

I came home exhausted and proud of all the new techniques I learned. This was the perfect thing to remedy this plateau that I felt like I was riding for a while. I know that being around other hoopers has really helped me. The network of people is really motivating and learning from one another is one of the best things I can do for my progress.

Caterina Suttin

Caterina kicks ass!! I can say that if I ever get another opportunity to take a class with her again I would be all over it. I can't wait to get back in the studio to work on some moves.

Watch her impromptu hoop performance for us here:

Credit to Maria Randolph for the Video!! 

In the works:
I'm taking an inventory of my hoops, and hoop making supplies and organizing all of those things.
I'm also going to be announcing dates and times for hoop classes that I'll be teaching at the Y in Bangor!
Anyone interested should contact me.
More hoop jams will be announced soon too!


  1. Ugggh. I wish I was there! Sounds like this workshop was EXACTLY what I've been craving to learn!! I had an annual girls' weekend in NH, which was really nice. Wish I had a clone! hahaha Looking forward to hearing and seeing more about what you guys learned!!

    1. Amanda, NH is awesome, I hope you guys had a blast. You should try and come to some of the upcoming workshops...we'd love to have you! Thanks for writing in.

    2. Thanks Christina! I had a nice relaxing weekend with friends. I didn't think about my boys and family at all, which is a first! hahahaha I hope to meet you at one of the workshops this year! I will miss Brecken although I saw her last summer. She was also mind-blowingly awesome!!!
