Monday, July 28, 2014

Peaces of Tuesday - New Moon Summer Giveaway

Peaces of Tuesday
Hippy Go Lucky Hoops was so inspired by Tuesday's hoop artwork that I had to know more.
Enjoy the interview & be sure to make your way to the bottom of the page for details on the Giveaway and a chance to win free stuff! "Like" HGLH on facebook & send me a message if you are interested in being a featured hooper!

Where does "Peaces of Tuesday" come from?

Peaces came from a poem I wrote about feeling peaced which of course just means feeling peaceful. I like playing with words, and food, and well everything! Haha. Tuesday is my given name so Peaces of Tuesday is just pieces of me with a peacey twist.

I live for my Son For Peace For Joy I live for Sun Showers, Flowers and Coconuts I live for Serenity I live for Love ॐ

What is the hoop community like where you live?
I wouldn't be who I am today without the South Florida live music culture, of which hooping is a big part. When I got my first hoop, there was no shortage of inspiration, motivation, and support around me. Hoopers are everywhere here and they're all awesome earthy creatures.

When did you start hooping & how did your journey begin?
I first began hooping in August 2011, when one of my most beloved friends, Lily, gave me my first hoop. It was one of those huge multi-piece detachable hard plastic exercise hoops. As soon as I put it together and realized I could keep it up, I was sold on hooping. I quickly starting making my own hoops and obsessively hooping for hours every day and all over South Florida.

I absolutely love the photo edits you share in the Unity group. Are you a professional? Or is this something you just have an extreme talent for?!
Thank you for the compliment! I'm really amazed and delighted at the response my edits have been getting. I'm not a professional at all and can't compare to editing geniuses like Caitlin Hofer. I took Photography in high school and was President of our Photo Club, I just really like pictures and art and hoops! I started doing crazy funky edits on my pics a couple months ago and have really enjoyed doing it for others.

Aside from hoop art/photography, what are some of your other favorite aspects of hooping?
Hooping is so many different things to so many people and I think thats what I love about it most. I love the dance and the meditation. I love the exercise I get and the feelings I have with that Sacred Circle. But most of all, I love how it brings us all together!

What else do you live for besides hooping?
I'm also a Reiki master and universal life minister and a vegan chef! I make and sell hoops, crystal jewelry, and other crafts. I knit and do card readings! 

New Moon Summer Giveaway!
How To Enter:
1) Share this picture on your Instagram and make sure to tag #newmoonsummergiveaway @peacesoftuesday and @floridamoonmama
2) Follow both Instagram accounts - @peacesoftuesday @floridamoonmama
3) Like our Facebook Pages - Peaces Of Tuesday and Desh and Lily (links below and in comments)
4) Share on your timeline or in your favorite groups!
5) Comment whether you would like a single standard hoop or twin mini poi hoops and where you shared our pics!


Thank you for this blessing ૐ Follow this link to facebook to enter! & Peaces of Tuesday on IG!

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