Thanks to Michelle, we scored a whole bunch of fresh ...DUCK...eggs! New to me..but free is always better in my opinion. Free and local. Here's a few facts I found from doing a bit of research on switching from chicken to duck eggs:
*It's better to use duck eggs when cooking gluten free. The extra protein in the whites can help the texture of the gluten free ingredients to moisten/thicken up better.
*Duck eggs have been a booming trend for chef's this year*They are preferable for making cream and custard fillings
*They are almost always free range
So with an abundance of eggs in my kitchen, I found the perfect egg idea that would be saving me time and money in the morning. Win!!!
My ingredients: ham, chopped spinach, green peppers and mushroomies |
I think I found this idea on from one of those pinterest things.
All I did was grease the muffin tins, add my ingredients and then crack the duck eggs into the pan.I baked them in in the oven for about 20 minutes.
This experiment was okay, but next time I will try beating the eggs in a bowl before adding them to the muffin pan. The yolks in the duck eggs are HUGE and a little overwhelming to bite into, so I actually would flip the egg over and eat it from the bottom! :)
They were perfect for in the morning. I could eat it on a toasted english muffin or just by itself with my favorite egg topper: Thai sweet chili sauce! They made the perfect on-the-go breakfast. Instead of buying something from the drive-thru that sometime's doesn't even identify as an egg, I had eggs all ready to go in the morning. Do the work once and reap the benefits all week!
I thought I would include a few pictures of Michelle's babies. She's got some great shots of them that I stole from her FB page...
And for reference, I included this picture to show how HUGE the eggs can get. We actually can't even close the egg carton all the way- that's how big they are! They are a lot harder to crack too!! Thanks Michelle for the freshies.
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