Saturday, November 2, 2013

Paraween Performance

What a thrill.

I've hooped all over the country. I've hooped in front of hundreds of people at festivals and shows. I've hooped for nobody at all. But hooping in a show, where people pay to sit and was a rush.

Instinctively, I was nervous as hell. I almost wanted to back out. I was feeling shy...nervous...unprepared. But once I saw all of the other beautiful performers I knew I was in for something awesome. The MC of the night was a doll, a lovely man dressed in drag make up. He was incredibly kind and encouraging. I was the first to go on. I just got up there and did what I always do -- SPIN HOOP!

I'm glad I went first because I could perform and then sit back and relax and watch the rest of the show. The servers at Nocturnem made sure I had plenty of beers. I told them to just keep bringing me different beers to try. Delicious.

The highlight of it all was the people that came to watch! Some girls came up to me and told me how much they loved hooping and how I made it look really effortless. I was so fucking grateful to hear feedback -- not to mention it was so positive. The support was amazing.

I cannot wait to get up and do it again. I feel very inspired. Do something that scares the shit out of you!!! It feels great in the end....

My student and Friend Anita as the Spirit of Alice Cooper!
This photo was snapped in the studio where we rehearsed together :)

The beautiful and lovely AO Arts!

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